mailing lists - Admin Links


Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page.

(Send questions and comments to

List Description
3216-contacts People with access to the 3216 Chamberlin Hall machine room.
AMEP Current AMEP majors: Applied Mathematics, Engineering and Physics - (auto-generated)
Amo Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
BOV Board of Visitors
Building Email concerning Chamberlin Hall
Chilled-water Chilled water users in Chamberlin Hall
climate-diversity Climate & Diversity Committee
CMS-Computing CMS Computing people
CMS-Folks CMS auto merged list (of cms -physics, -trigger, and -computing)
CMS-Physics CMS Physics people
CMS-Trigger UW CMS Trigger Personnel
cms-users All people in the cms unix group - (auto-generated)
CompHEP-traineeships Computational HEP traineeships
cond-mat-jclub condensed matter journal club
Cycling People interested in bicycling events.
Faculty Physics Dept. "active" faculty (no emeritus or affiliates) plus administrative staff
Faculty-all Physics Dept. faculty including emeriti & affiliates plus administrative staff
Future-Colliders [no description available]
garage UW-Madison Garage Physics email list
hep-seminars People in research areas related to HEP seminar topics - (auto-generated)
hep-users All people in the hep users unix group - (auto-generated)
Hexalerts distribute alerts to Saffman group operators
Incoming-mspqc incoming MS Physics Quantum Computing
Incoming-phds incoming first year PhD students
Instructors faculty and instructors not including TAs
interested-undergrads Physics Dept. undergraduate students (open membership, non-majors welcome)
InternatlMSPQC International MSPQC students - (auto-generated)
InternatlPhD International PhD students - (auto-generated)
LZ automatically maintained list for contacting lz users of the UW-Madison HEP cluster
mspqc MS Physics Quantum Computing. Students are automatically included.
mspqc-faculty Faculty involved in the MSPQC program.
Museum-news Physics Museum News
outages-learnuw Subscribe to get alerts about Canvas from DoIT's outages page
Outreach Physics Dept. outreach mailing list
pgsc Physics Graduate Student Council
PGSC-officers Physics Graduate Student Council Officers
Physics-all Physics Dept. faculty (and emeritus), staff, undergrads, and grad students (auto-generated)
Physics-alumni Physics Dept. alumni
PhysicsMajors Physics Dept. undergraduate majors - (auto-generated)
Postdocs list of postdocs - (auto-generated)
Sensci Physics Dept. senior scientists
Si-qubits Si qubit group
Soc21cm 21 cm Cosmology Workshop
Staff Physics Dept. staff (auto-generated, does not include faculty)
Students Physics Dept. graduate students-PhD Program Only. (auto-generated)
tac-hep-faculty [no description available]
tac-hep-folks [no description available]
TAs Physics TAs
TWAP "This Week at Physics" mailing list
Undergrads Physics Dept. undergraduate students (includes physicsmajors, amep, and interested-undergrads)
UW-HQAN [no description available]
WQI Wisconsin Quantum Institute members
WQI-faculty Wisconsin Quantum Institute faculty

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