Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
3216-contacts People with access to the 3216 Chamberlin Hall machine room.
AMEP Current AMEP majors: Applied Mathematics, Engineering and Physics - (auto-generated)
Amo Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
BOV Board of Visitors
Building Email concerning Chamberlin Hall
Chilled-water Chilled water users in Chamberlin Hall
climate-diversity Climate & Diversity Committee
CMS-Computing CMS Computing people
CMS-Folks CMS auto merged list (of cms -physics, -trigger, and -computing)
CMS-Physics CMS Physics people
CMS-Trigger UW CMS Trigger Personnel
cms-users All people in the cms unix group - (auto-generated)
CompHEP-traineeships Computational HEP traineeships
cond-mat-jclub condensed matter journal club
Cycling People interested in bicycling events.
Faculty Physics Dept. "active" faculty (no emeritus or affiliates) plus administrative staff
Faculty-all Physics Dept. faculty including emeriti & affiliates plus administrative staff
Future-Colliders [no description available]
garage UW-Madison Garage Physics email list
hep-seminars People in research areas related to HEP seminar topics - (auto-generated)
hep-users All people in the hep users unix group - (auto-generated)
Hexalerts distribute alerts to Saffman group operators
Incoming-mspqc incoming MS Physics Quantum Computing
Incoming-phds incoming first year PhD students
Instructors faculty and instructors not including TAs
interested-undergrads Physics Dept. undergraduate students (open membership, non-majors welcome)
InternatlMSPQC International MSPQC students - (auto-generated)
InternatlPhD International PhD students - (auto-generated)
LZ automatically maintained list for contacting lz users of the UW-Madison HEP cluster
mspqc MS Physics Quantum Computing. Students are automatically included.
mspqc-faculty Faculty involved in the MSPQC program.
Museum-news Physics Museum News
outages-learnuw Subscribe to get alerts about Canvas from DoIT's outages page
Outreach Physics Dept. outreach mailing list
pgsc Physics Graduate Student Council
PGSC-officers Physics Graduate Student Council Officers
Physics-all Physics Dept. faculty (and emeritus), staff, undergrads, and grad students (auto-generated)
Physics-alumni Physics Dept. alumni
PhysicsMajors Physics Dept. undergraduate majors - (auto-generated)
Postdocs list of postdocs - (auto-generated)
Sensci Physics Dept. senior scientists
Si-qubits Si qubit group
Soc21cm 21 cm Cosmology Workshop
Staff Physics Dept. staff (auto-generated, does not include faculty)
Students Physics Dept. graduate students-PhD Program Only. (auto-generated)
tac-hep-faculty [no description available]
tac-hep-folks [no description available]
TAs Physics TAs
TWAP "This Week at Physics" mailing list
Undergrads Physics Dept. undergraduate students (includes physicsmajors, amep, and interested-undergrads)
UW-HQAN [no description available]
WQI Wisconsin Quantum Institute members
WQI-faculty Wisconsin Quantum Institute faculty

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